Dear Sisters,
Thanks for coming out and supporting our women's conference. Our visitors were impressed with your spirit and with the organization in general. Here is some information for you about the opportunities for service that they shared.
Habitat for Humanity - Contact person Sally Lou Voight 989-9066
601 S Pioneer Way, Suite F, 278, Moses Lake info@habitatmoses
Administrative assistance:
1-writing letters to businesses
2-office coordination
3-calling volunteers
4-Data entry for Festival of the trees
5-stuffing envelopes
6-Assisting volunteer coordinator
Other ways to help:
1-sponsor/decorate a tree
2-Meals for builds
3-Family nurturing/mentoring
5-teach yard work
6- teach gardening
7-teach crock pot cooking
NEW HOPE Wish List
1-Disposable diapers and wipes
2-paper products of all kinds
3-towels (all sizes)
4-color books, crayons
5-Sippy cups
6-games for older kids age 8-14
7-non-perishable food
8-bottled water
11-full size toiletries
12-brushes, combs
13-household start up items
15-cribs, strollers, car seats, play pen, walkers, bouncers
16-gift cards: Walmart, Safeway, phone, gas
17-activity passes: surf and slide, movies
18-pocket calendars
19-laundry supplies
20-kitchen supplies
You can adopt a bedroom,bathroom, or kitchen.
You can adopt a holiday.
You can get training to answer crisis phone lines.
Phone Number: 764- 8402
Drop off address: 840 Plum St, Moses Lake
I hope this information is useful if you feel you can be of help.