____ Read scriptures daily
for 50 days…………………30
____ Read RS lesson for
March (#29 GP)…….....……10
____ Read RS lesson for
March (#30 GP).….……......10
____Take dinner to a
needy family………..……..10
____ Complete VT for
March and report…….……25
____ Exercise 2x a week….……..15
____ Hold FHE every Monday
in March…………….……..35
____ Read Ensign, cover
to cover…………………….20
____ Give a friend a Book
of Mormon…………………20
____ Write Heavenly Father
a letter of gratitude…………10
____Do 2 anonymous
acts of service………………10
____ Write in a journal 2 x
a week………………………..5
____ Attend any RS meeting…….10
____ Donate auction item…….….10
____ BONUS; Attend temple
in March……………………50
____ BONUS: Complete
All tasks……………………100
____ TOTAL
Women of Faith program is continuing. Don't miss out on your points for the months of February, March & April. If you have questions, please ask Sandi or Yvonne. This will follow with the RS Auction in May. It's a fun, fun time, you don't want to miss it. Remember you will donate one action item for each month (3).