The purpose of Relief Society is to prepare daughters of God for the blessings of eternal life as they increase in faith and personal rightousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help others who are in need.
...Relief Society is meant to be a compass and guide to teach the truth to faithful women.
Julie B. Beck
Relief Society General President
____ Read scriptures daily
for 25 days …………………..30
____ Read the RS lesson
for Feb. (#27 GP).....................10
____ Attend Stake Conference ……20
____ Meetings..................................10
____ Take cookies to someone….....10
____ Complete visiting teaching
for February and report............25
____ Exercise 1x a week……….…..15
____ Hold FHE every Monday
in February…………….……..35
____ Read Ensign, cover
to cover………………...……..20
____ Talk to a nonmember
friend about the gospel.….……20
____ Write a letter of
appreciation and send it………10
____ Do an anonymous
act of service………….….…….10
____ Write in a journal
1 x a week………………….......5
____ Attend any RS MTG
in February………..….….……10
____ Donate auction item……...…..10
____ BONUS; Attend temple
in February……………………50
____ BONUS: Complete
all tasks……………...….……100
How to use this chart...
Begin in February keeping track of your points by marking each task as it is accomplished. At the end of each month total your points. In May an auction will be held to spend your earned points for auction items donated. Auction items may include services, baked items, handmade items or anything else that you may come up with to donate.