"True Worth is not what others see, but who you truly are."
'Holy' Cow
Communicate with your Heavenly Father, Search and Study the Scriptures, Serve Others and your faith and testimony will be strengthened.
'Cash' Cow
It has been said that a rich man doesn’t own his things; rather, his things begin to own him. Each item we accumulate stifles us and robs us of freedom because it requires so much of our time to tend. We have to pay for it, keep track of it, protect it, clean it, store it, insure it, and worry about it… later we have to move it, hide it, apologize for it, and argue over it..
Paying financial obligations promptly is part of integrity and honesty. A perfect example is paying tithing promptly to Him who does not come to check up each month.
'Mad' Cow
If at the moment you feel like your top is going to blow, turn your computer speaker on - close your eyes and take long, slow, deep breaths until the song has concluded.
The Cow 'Jumped over the moon'
Slow down, get organized, taking small steps having a little more patience each time. The more things we having going on at one time the more frustration presents its self.
Cow 'Tipping'
Let your hair down and have a little fun!
Graze a little and chew the cud, you deserve it!